Chapter 1 Wave PropagationPrinciples of Wave MotionFigure 1-1. Formation of Waves in WaterTransverse WavesLongitudinal WavesFigure 1-6. The Three Elements of SoundWavelengthFrequency and TimeFigure 1-8. Longitudinal Wave Represented Graphically by a Transverse WaveWave Propagation -Cont.ReflectionRefraction - TC-9-640023Figure 1-10. Refraction of a WaveDiffractionSound WavesRequirements for SoundFigure 1-12. No Air, No SoundSound PitchSound IntensitySound QualityTable 1-1. Comparison of Velocity of Sound in Various MediumsRefraction - TC-9-640033ResonanceElectromagnetic Theory of LightFigure 1-17. Waves and Radii from a Nearby Light SourceLuminous BodiesProperties Of LightFigure 1-20. Transparent, Translucent, and Opaque SubstancesReflection of LightAbsorption of LightTable 1-2. Comparison of Light Waves and Sound WavesFigure 1-22. Electromagnetic SpectrumThe Basic AntennaFigure 1-24. AntennaElectric FieldFigure 1-26. Electric Fields between Plates at Different AnglesMagnetic FieldFigure 1-28. Magnetic Fields around ElementsCombined Electric and Magnetic FieldsFigure 1-30. Relationship of E-Lines and Current FlowFigure 1-Sum 3. The Three Elements of SoundFigure 1-Sum 4. Reflection of a WaveFigure 1-Sum 5. Refraction of a WaveFigure 1-Sum 6. Musical Sound Versus NoiseFigure 1-Sum 7. Use of a Prism to Split White Light into Different ColorsFigure 1-Sum 8. Electromagnetic SpectrumCheck-on-Learning Questions - TC-9-640058Check-on-Learning Questions -Cont. - TC-9-640059Chapter 2 Radio Wave PropagationInduction FieldFigure 2-1. Induction Field about an AntennaRadiation FieldFigure 2-3. Radiation from an AntennaRadio WavesTable 2-1. Radio Frequency BandsWavelength to Frequency ConversionsWavelength to Frequency Conversions -Cont.Polarization - TC-9-640069Atmospheric PropagationRefraction - TC-9-640071Figure 2-8. Radio Wave RefractionEffect of the Earth's Atmosphere on Radio WavesFigure 2-10. Layers of the Earth's AtmosphereRadio Wave Transmission PathsFigure 2-12. Surface Wave PropagationSky WaveStructure of the IonosphereFour Distinct LayersFigure 2-14. Layers of the IonosphereFigure 2-15. Effects of Ionospheric Density on Radio WavesAngle of IncidenceSkip Distance/Skip ZonePropagation PathsFigure 2-20. Ray Paths for a Fixed Frequency with Varying Angles of IncidenceMultipath FadingGround Reflection LossMan-Made InterferenceNatural InterferenceIrregular VariationsIrregular Variations -Cont.Maximum Usable FrequencyFigure 2-23. Refraction of Frequency below the Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF)Precipitation AttenuationTemperature InversionTropospheric ScatteringFigure 2-26. Tropospheric Scattering PropagationApplication of Tropospheric ScatteringFigure 2-Sum 1. Vertical and Horizontal PolarizationFigure 2-Sum 3. Ground and Sky WavesFigure 2-Sum 5. Space Wave PropagationFigure 2-Sum 7. Frequency Versus Refraction and DistanceFigure 2-Sum 9. Relationship between Skip Zone, Skip Distance, and Ground WaveFigure 2-Sum 11. Refraction of Frequency below the Lowest Usable Frequency (LUF)Figure 2-Sum 13. Tropospheric Scattering PropagationCheck-on-Learning Questions - TC-9-640106Check-on-Learning Questions -Cont. - TC-9-640107Chapter 3 Principles of Transmission LinesParallel LineTwisted PairShielded PairFigure 3-6. Rigid (Air) Coaxial LineWaveguidesCopper LossesRadiation and Induction LossesLength of A Transmission LineLumped ConstantsInductance of a Transmission LineResistance of a Transmission LineFigure 3-13. Leakage in a Transmission LineDefinition and SymbolsCharacteristic Impedance and the Infinite LineFigure 3-16. Characteristic ImpedanceCharacteristic Impedance and the Infinite Line -Cont.Figure 3-17 Termination of a LineDC Applied to a Transmission LineFigure 3-19. AC Voltage Applied to a Transmission LineDC Applied to an Infinite LineAC Applied to an Infinite LineFigure 3-22. Instantaneous Voltages along a Transmission LineVelocity of Wave PropagationFigure 3-23. DC Applied to an Equivalent Transmission LineDetermining Characteristics ImpedanceReflections on A Transmission LineReflection of DC Voltage from an Open CircuitFigure 3-24. Reflection from an Open-Ended LineReflection of DC Voltage from a Short CircuitFigure 3-25. Reflection from a Short-Circuited LineFigure 3-26. Formation of Standing WavesReflection of AC Voltage from an Open Circuit Figure 3-27. Instantaneous Values of Incident and Reflected Waves on an Open-Ended LineFigure 3-28. Conventional Picture of Standing WavesFigure 3-29. Composite Results of Instantaneous WavesReflection of AC Voltage from a Short CircuitTerminating A Transmission LineFigure 3-31. Sending-End Impedance of Various Lengths and TerminationsImpedance for Various Lengths of Open LinesFigure 3-32. Voltage, Current, and Impedance on Open LineImpedance of Various Lengths of Shorted LinesEffect of Termination on Standing WavesFigure 3-34. Effects of Various Terminations on Standing WavesTermination in InductanceStanding Wave RatioVoltage Standing-Wave RatioFigure 3-Sum 2. Two-Wire Ribbon Type LineFigure 3-Sum 5. Rigid (Air) Coaxial LineFigure 3-Sum 8. Equivalent Circuit of a Two-Wire Transmission LineFigure 3-Sum 10. Leakage in a Transmission LineFigure 3-Sum 12. Characteristic ImpedanceFigure 3-Sum 14. Instantaneous Values of Incident and Reflected WavesFigure 3-Sum 15. Voltage, Current, and Impedance on a Shorted LineFigure 3-Sum 16. Various Termination Effects on Standing WavesCheck-On-Learning Questions - TC-9-640163Check-On-Learning Questions -Cont. - TC-9-640164Chapter 4 AntennasLearning ObjectivesFigure 4-2. Warning Signs for Radio Frequency Radiation HazardsPrinciples of Antenna RadiationFigure 4-3. Typical Antenna SystemCurrent and Voltage Distribution on an AntennaFigure 4-5. Current and Voltage Distribution on a AntennaRadiation of Electromagnetic EnergyFigure 4-7. Standing Waves of Voltage and Current on an AntennaReciprocity of AntennasPolarization - TC-9-640176Polarization Requirements for Various FrequenciesAdvantages of Vertical PolarizationAdvantages of Horizontal PolarizationRadiation Types and PatternsFigure 4-11. Comparison of Rectangular and Polar-Coordinate Graph for an Isotropic SourceRectangular-Coordinate PatternAnisotropic RadiationFigure 4-12. Anisotropic RadiatorFigure 4-13. Polar-Coordinate Graph for Anisotropic RadiatorAntenna LoadingBasic AntennasFigure 4-15. Development of Vertical and Horizontal PatternFigure 4-16. Radiation Pattern of a DipoleMethods of Feeding Energy to an AntennaCharacteristics of Quarter-Wave AntennasFigure 4-20. Ground Screen and CounterpoiseFigure 4-21. Folded-Dipole AntennasArray AntennasRadiation PatternStub PhasingFigure 4-23. Phasing of Connected ElementsDirectivity and InterferenceMajor and Minor LobesFigure 4-26. Single Half-Wave Antenna versus Two Half-Wave Antenna in PhaseBroadside ArraysFigure 4-27. Typical Broadside Array Gain and directivityEnd-Fire ArraysFigure 4-30. Parallel Elements 180 Degrees Out of PhaseGain and directivityParasitic ArraysParasitic Arrays - Cont.Figure 4-32. Patterns Obtained Using a Reflector with Proper SpacingMulti-Element Parasitic ArrayFigure 4-33. Yagi AntennaFigure 4-34. Typical Parasitic Array Used for Transmitting and ReceivingLong-Wire AntennaRhombic AntennaFigure 4-38. Basic Rhombic AntennaFigure 4-39. Formation of a Rhombic Antenna BeamTurnstile AntennaFigure 4-40. Turnstile Antenna Radiation PatternGround-Plane AntennaCorner ReflectorFigure 4-43. Corner-Reflector AntennaFigure 4-Sum 1. Reciprocity of AntennasFigure 4-Sum 2. Radiation PatternsFigure 4-Sum 3. Radiating Energy of an Isotropic RadiatorFigure 4-Sum 4. Directional Radiating Energy of an Anisotropic RadiatorFigure 4-Sum 6. Antenna LoadingFigure 4-Sum 8. Quarter-Wave AntennaFigure 4-Sum 9. Ground Screen and Counterpoise AntennasFigure 4-Sum 11. Broadside Array ElementsFigure 4-Sum 13. Parasitic ArrayFigure 4-Sum 16. Beverage Antenna WavelengthsFigure 4-Sum 18. Rhombic Antenna ConductorsFigure 4-Sum 19. Turnstile AntennaCheck-On-Learning Questions Check-On-Learning Questions -Cont. - TC-9-640235Appendix A Check-On-Learning Answers - TC-9-640236Appendix A Check-On-Learning Answers -Cont. - TC-9-640237Appendix A Check-On-Learning Answers -Cont. - TC-9-640238Appendix A Check-On-Learning Answers -Cont. - TC-9-640239Appendix A Check-On-Learning Answers -Cont. - TC-9-640240Appendix A Check-On-Learning Answers -Cont. - TC-9-640241Appendix A Check-On-Learning Answers -Cont. - TC-9-640242Glossary - TC-9-640244Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640245Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640246Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640247Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640248Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640249Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640250Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640251Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640252Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640253Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640254Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640255Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640256Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640257Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640258Glossary -Cont. - TC-9-640259Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas