Lesson 1 SafetyPart A: General HazardsSafety MeasuresFigure 1-2. Chemical-cartridge respiratorFigure 1-3. Abrasive-blasting helmetResponsibilities of the ForemanFigure 1-5. Safety checklistPart B: Accident, Fire, and Health HazardzFigure 1-6. Ladder safety shoesFigure 1-7. Ladder stabilityEquipment Check and UseFigure 1-8. Double-pole or independent scaffoldFigure 1-9. Diagonal bracing on double-pole scaffoldFigure 1-10. Single-pole scaffold corner constructionFigure 1-11. Horse scaffold, two tiers (maximum height two tiers or 10 feet)Figure 1-12. Outrigger scaffold with guardrailFigure 1-13. Pipe scaffoldFigure 1-15. Welded pipe scaffold with straddle bracesTable 1-1. Safe center loads for scaffold plankingEquipment Check and Use -Cont.Figure 1-17. Boatswain's chair (construction details)Figure 1-18. Swinging scaffold (construction details)Figure 1-20. Grounding of blast nozzleRegulations Affecting Protective Coatings and Their UseFire HazardsPrecautions and PreventionSpecific Safety MeasuresTable 1-2. Proper fire extinguishersSpecific Safety Measures -Cont.Health HazardsHealth Hazards -Cont. - en0562a0038Health Hazards -Cont. - en0562a0039Emergencies and Health ServicesLesson 1 Practice Exercise - en0562a0042Lesson 1 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0043Lesson 1 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0044Answer Key and Feedback - en0562a0045Answer Key and Feedback -Cont. - en0562a0046Lesson 2 Protective- Coating MaterialsProtective-Coating CompositionPurpose and Function of Protective-Coating Materials Principle Ingredients of Protective-Coating MaterialsPigmentsVehiclesVehicles -Cont.Table 2-1. Characteristics of driersTypes of Protective-Coating MaterialsTypes of Protective-Coating Materials -Cont. - en0562a0057Types of Protective-Coating Materials -Cont. - en0562a0058Table 2-2. Mixing oil stainsPart B- Mixing and Preparing Protective CoatingsFigure 2-3. Tertiary colorsMixing, Coloring, and Tinting PaintsMixing, Coloring, and Tinting Paints -Cont.Table 2-3. Color selectionFigure 2-4. Boxing paintFigure 2-6. Propeller-type mixerMixing, Coloring, and Tinting Paints -Cont. Part C: Preparing the Surface Surface Preparation Surface Preparation -Cont.Part D: Selecting Exterior and Interior Protective CoatingsExterior Protective CoatingsExterior Protective Coatings -Cont. - en0562a0073Exterior Protective Coatings -Cont. - en0562a0074Exterior Protective Coatings -Cont. - en0562a0075Exterior Protective Coatings -Cont. - en0562a0076Table 2-4. Whitewash formulasTable 2-5. Recommended exterior coatingsTable 2-5. Recommended exterior coatings (continued) Interior Protective Coatings Interior Protective Coatings -Cont. - en0562a0081 Interior Protective Coatings -Cont. - en0562a0082 Interior Protective Coatings -Cont. - en0562a0083Table 2-6. Recommended interior coatingsTable 2-6. Recommended interior coatings (continued)Part E: Maintaining Protective CoatingsEfficient and Safe Handling, Storing, and Disposing of Protective CoatingsLesson 2 Practice Exercise - en0562a0088Lesson 2 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0089Lesson 2 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0090Lesson 2 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0091Lesson 2 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0092Answer Key and Feedback - en0562a0093Answer Key and Feedback -Cont. - en0562a0094Lesson 3 Protective -Coating EquipmentFigure 3-1. Hand wire brushesFigure 3-3. Wood scraperFigure 3-4. Sharpening hand-scraper edgesFigure 3-7. Putty knifeFigure 3-9. FilesHand-Operated ToolsTable 3-2. Selecting abrasives by work surface or intended useTable 3-3. Selecting steel-wool gradesFigure 3-10. BlowtorchPower-Operated ToolsFigure 3-12. Power wire brushesFigure 3-14. Portable belt sander (with dust bag)Figure 3-15. Portable disc sandersFigure 3-16. Drum floor sanderFigure 3-18. Portable power grinderFigure 3-19. Portable abrasive blasterPortable abrasive blastersPart B: Application EquipmentPaint-Preparation ToolsFigure 3-22. Principal paintbrush partsFigure 3-24. Flat wall paintbrushPaintbrush Care, Cleaning, Storage, and ReclamationFigure 3-27. Oil-based paint cleaning materialsFigure 3-28. Removing paint off the furrule with a ragFigure 3-32. Spinning the paintbrushPaint RollersFigure 3-35. Paint rollersFigure 3-36. Paint roller and trayPaint Spray GunsFigure 3-38. Attached-container spray gunSpray-Gun and Paint-Tank CleaningAir CompressorsFigure 3-42. High-pressure air compressor (gasoline engine)Airless Spray SystemsFigure 3-44. Airless hot spray systemAirless Spray Systems -Cont.Stationary Compressor UnitAir TransformerWiping Rags and Drop ClothsOperator MaintenanceGlass Bead-Dispensing GunPart D: Sign-Making EquipmentFigure 3-49. Stenciling spray gunPart D: Sign-Making Equipment -Cont.Lesson 3 Practice Exercise - en0562a0142Lesson 3 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0143Lesson 3 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0144Lesson 3 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0145Lesson 3 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0146Answer Key and Feedback - en0562a0147Answer Key and Feedback -Cont. - en0562a0148Lesson 4 Ladders, Scaffolds, and Hoisting EquipmentFigure 4-1. Single-rung woodladderFigure 4-3. Raising a ladderFigure 4-6. Lowering a long extension ladderFigure 4-8. Steel ladder jackTable 4-1. Sizes of extension plankingFigure 4-10. Extension ladderFigure 4-12. Painter's trestlePart B: ScaffoldingsFigure 4-14. Independent scaffold topped with platformsFigure 4-15. Footing plateFigure 4-17. Building tie-inFigure 4-19. Swing-stage scaffoldPart B: ScaffoldsScaffoldsFigure 4-20. Boatswain's chairPart C: Hoisting EquipmentFigure 4-23. BowlineFigure 4-24. Running bowlineFigure 4-26. Two half hitchesFigure 4-27. Clove hitchFigure 4-30. Rolling hitchFigure 4-31. Scaffold hitchFigure 4-32. Whipping the end of a ropeBlock and TackleHoisting MachineLesson 4 Practice Exercise - en0562a0176Lesson 4 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0177Lesson 4 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0178Answer Key and Feedback - en0562a0179Lesson 5 Metal Corroision and IdentificationFigure 5-1. Electrochemical-corrosion theory of a battery cellFigure 5-2. Electrochemical-corrosion conditionFigure 5-4. Core corrosionFigure 5-6. Galvanic corrosionTable 5-1. Metal and alloy classificationTable 5-2. Metal and alloy galvonic seriesFormsFigure 5-7. Differential-environmental corrosionFigure 5-8. Low oxygen-concentration areasFigure 5-9. Low-oxygen cell corrosion actionCausesDezincificationControlsTable 5-3. Mixtures for passivating metal surfaces Galvanic anode methodFigure 5-10. Galvanic cathodic protectionPart B: Metal IdentificationTable 5-4. Steel identification numerical indexTable 5-5. Identification marking and color code breakdownFigure 5-12. Identification markingsFigure 5-13. Typical spark streamsTable 5-6. Concentrated nitric-acid test reactionsChemical (Acid) Spot TestingLesson 5 Practice Exercise - en0562a0204Lesson 5 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0205Lesson 5 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0562a0206Answer Key and Feedback - en0562a0207Answer Key and Feedback -Cont. - en0562a0208Painting I