Lesson 1 Geodesy for The LaymanPart A- Figures of the EarthFigure 1-2. Flattening FractionFigure 1-3. Geodetic CoordinatesGeoidPart B- Geodetic SurveyingFigure 1-5. Astronomic CoordinatesFigure 1-6. Deflection of the VerticalHorizontal Control TechniqueFigure 1-7. Principles of TraverseFigure 1-8. Principles of TriangulationFigure 1-9. Simple Triangulation Net - Example 1Figure 1-10. Simple Triangulation Net - Example 2Figure 1-11. Arc Distance Determination by Star OccultationFigure 1-12. SECOR Ranging of SatelliteVertical Control by Gravimetric TechniqueVertical Control by Gravimetric Technique -Cont. - en0593a0024Vertical Control by Gravimetric Technique -Cont. - en0593a0025Figure 13. Airy's Theory of CompensationFigure 1-14. Effects of Mass Anomalies on the GeoidFigure 1-15. Products of the Gravimetric MethodDetermining the Earth's Size and ShapePart C- Geodetic DatumsPart C- Geodetic Datums -Cont.Figure 1-16. Single Astronomic Station Datum OrientationTable 1-2. Deviation of the Laplace EquationFigure 1-17. Astro-Geodetic Deflection of the VerticalFigure 1-18. Geoid Profile of the 98th MeridianFigure 1-19. Astro-Geodetic Datum OrientationFigure 1-20. Gravimetric Datum OrientationFigure 1-21. Astro-Gravimetric Datum OrientationPart D-Connecting Horizontal DatumsPart E-Geodetic SystemsThe Preferred DatumsFigure 1-23. Preferred DatumsFigure 1-24. The Preferred Datums are Relative DatumsThe World Geodetic SystemThe World Geodetic System -Cont.The National Imagery and Mapping Agency World SystemThe Department of Defense World DatumLesson 1 Practice Exercise - en0593a0048Lesson 1 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0049Lesson 1 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0050Answer Key and Feedback - en0593a0052Answer Key and Feedback -Cont. - en0593a0053Lesson 2 Preliminary Survey OperationsPart A- Survey MissionsPart A- Survey Missions -Cont.Part C-Survey TypesPart D-Survey MethodsPart E -Survey ClassificationsPart F-Survey NetworksPart G -Survey EquipmentPart H-Field WorkSurvey PurposeObservations of Differences in ElevationsField Notes (DA Form 4446)Field Notes (DA Form 4446) -Cont.Part I-Office WorkEstablishing RecordsPart J-Survey CommunicationPark K- System Accuracies and RequirementsFigure 2-1. Solving Angles and Using the Law of SinesClassification of TriangulationA Typical Triangulation NetAcceptable Error of Angle MeasurementsPart L-Survey ReconnaissanceElectronic Distance-Measuring EquipmentReconnaissance Party CompositionRecovery and Verification of Existing Control Stations New Station SitesStation NamesLandowner PermissionStation Description and SketchIntervisibility of Stations.Table 2-1. Correction for the Earth's Curvature and RefractionFigure 2-5. Clearance of ObstructionFigure 2-7. The Effect of Curvature at an Intermediate ObstructionFigure 2-8. Similar Triangles SolutionFigure 2-10. Horizontal Refraction Due to Air Currents Down a Slope or HillFinal Selection of Station SitesFinal Selection of Station Sites -Cont.Part M-Signals and TowersFigure 2-11. Cells Connected in a SeriesFigure 2-12. Cells Connected in ParallelFigure 2-14. Series-Parallel Connection of Nine Cells in Three Units of Three Cells EachPart M-Signals and Towers -Cont.Wooden Signal StandsFigure 2-16. Construction Details for a 4-Foot StandFigure 2-16. Construction Details for a 4-Foot Stand (continued)Wooden TowersLesson 2 Practice Exercise - en0593a0102Lesson 2 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0103Lesson 2 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0104Answer Key and Feedback - en0593a0106Lesson 3 Horizontal MeasurementsTape MeasurementsBaseline AlignmentInstruments and AppliancesMembers of a Baseline PartyFigure 3-1. Tape Stretcher and Spring BalanceRun a BaselineLevel the BaselineFigure 3-2. DA Form 4446 (Sample of Completed Leveling Notes, Precise Base)Level the Baseline -Cont.Measure the BaselineMeasure the Baseline -Cont. - en0593a0118Measure the Baseline -Cont. - en0593a0119Figure 3-3. DA Form 4446 (Sample of Completed Leveling Notes, Precise Taping)Part B-Measuring AngelsFigure 3-4. Wild T-3 Precision TheodoliteWild T-3 Precision TheodolitePart B-Measuring Angels -Cont. - en0593a0124Figure 3-6. Vertical Circle and Micrometer (New Model)Figure 3-8. Determining the Minute ValueFigure 3-10. Determining the Minute Value - Example 2Figure 3-11. Determining the Minute Value Using the Index Mark (Visible True-Degree Value)Figure 3-12. Determining the Minute Value Using the Index Mark (True-Degree Value Not Visible)Table 3-1. Circle Settings for First-Order and Second-Order, Class I Work With the Wild T-3Part B-Measuring Angels -Cont. - en0593a0131Part B-Measuring Angels -Cont. - en0593a0132Part C:Traversing and Traverse TypesFigure 3-13. Open TraversePart C:Traversing and Traverse Types -Cont. - en0593a0135Part C:Traversing and Traverse Types -Cont. - en0593a0136Part C:Traversing and Traverse Types -Cont. - en0593a0137Part C:Traversing and Traverse Types -Cont. - en0593a0138Part C:Traversing and Traverse Types -Cont. - en0593a0139Traits of a Good RecorderTraits of a Good Recorder -Cont.Lesson 3 Practice Exercise - en0593a0142Lesson 3 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0143Lesson 3 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0144Lesson 3 Practice Exercise - en0593a0146Lesson 3 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0147Lesson 4 LevelingPart A-Accuracy and RequirementsLevelingPart B- Prescise Differential LevelingPrecise LevelingFigure 4-2. Wild N-3 Precision Leveling InstrumentFigure 4-3. Tubular Coincident Level Bubble and Fine-Adjustment ScrewFigure 4-4. Rod ReadingPrecise RodsField Tests and AdjustmentsFigure 4-5. Sample DA Form 5820 (Determination of the Stadia Constant)Field Tests and Adjustments -Cont.Figure 4-6. Sample DA Form 5820 (Recording and Computation of the C Factor)Table 4-1. Total Correction for Curvature and RefractionMethods and ProceduresMethods and Procedures -Cont. - en0593a0164Figure 4-7. Sample DA Form 5820 (Recording Procedure, Main Line, 0.100 Stadia Constant)Figure 4-8. Sun and Wind CodeMethods and Procedures -Cont. - en0593a0167Methods and Procedures -Cont. - en0593a0168Methods and Procedures -Cont. - en0593a0169Figure 4-9. Closed-Circuit River CrossingFigure 4-10. Principle of Method For Crossing ObstaclesFigure 4-11. Sample DA Form 5820 (Recording an Obstacle-Crossing ObservationPart C: Trigonometric LevelingFigure 4-12. Trigonometric Leveling With the Telescope in an Elevated PositionZenith Distances With the T-3 TheodoliteFigure 4-13. Vertical CircleFigure 4-14. Sample DA Form 5817 (Recorded Zenith Observations)Abstract of Zenith DistancesFigure 4-16. Sample DA Form 1943 (Abstract of Zenith Distances)Abstract of Zenith Distances -Cont. - en0593a0180Abstract of Zenith Distances -Cont. - en0593a0181Lesson 4 Practice Exercise - en0593a0182Lesson 4 Practice Exercise - en0593a0183Lesson 4 Practice Exercise -Cont.Lesson 4 Practice Exercise - en0593a0186Lesson 5 Navigational Satellite and Timing Global Positioning SystemPart A-Global Positioning System OverviewBroadcast Frequencies and CodesBroadcast Messages and Ephemeris DataPart B- Absolute Precise PositioningAbsolute-Positioning Error SourcesAbsolute-Positioning Error Sources -Cont.Accuracy ComparisonsTable 5-1. Representative GPS Error-Measurement Statistics for Absolute Point PositioningPart C-Differential Precise PositioningGlobal Positioning System CoordinatesTable 5-2. Carrier Phase TrackingVertical Measurements with GPSDifferential Error SourcesPart D-Planning Precise-Positioning Surveys Network Design FactorsTable 5-3. GPS-S Design, Geometry, Connection, and Observing CriteriaTable 5-3. GPS-S Design, Geometry, Connection, and Observing Criteria -Cont.Figure 5-1. Sample Station-Visibility DiagramNetwork Design and LayoutFigure 5-2. GPS-S Network DesignNetwork Design and Layout -Cont.Figure 5-3. Sample Satellite Sky PlotPart E -Conducting Precise-Positioning SurveysPart E -Conducting Precise-Positioning Surveys -Cont. Differential PositioningDifferential Global Positioning System Carrier Phase Horizontal-Positioning TechniquesFigure 5-5. Station Occupation TimeDifferential Global Positioning System Carrier Phase Horizontal-Positioning Techniques -Cont. - en0593a0215Differential Global Positioning System Carrier Phase Horizontal-Positioning Techniques -Cont. - en0593a0216Differential Global Positioning System Carrier Phase Horizontal-Positioning Techniques -Cont. - en0593a0217Differential Global Positioning System Carrier Phase Horizontal-Positioning Techniques -Cont. - en0593a0218Part F-Processing Precise-Positioning Survey DataProcessing TechniquesBaseline Solution by Linear CombinationBaseline Solution by Linear Combination-Cont.Table 5-4. Guidelines for Determining the Baseline QualityPostprocessing CriteriaFigure 5-7. Sample Static Baseline FormulationsLoop Closure ChecksPart G- Adjusting Precise Positioning SurveysSurvey AccuracyInternal Versus External AccuracyInternal and External AdjustmentsInternal and External Adjustments -Cont.Partially Constrained AdjustmentsRigorous Least Squares AdjustmentRigorous Least Squares Adjustment -Cont.Figure 5-8. Example of an Adjustment Statistics SummaryEvaluation of Adjustment ResultsTable 5-5. Point-Closure Standards for Horizontal- and Vertical-Control Surveys Lesson 5 Practice Exercise Lesson 5 Practice Exercise -Cont.Lesson 5 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0240Lesson 5 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0242Lesson 5 Practice Exercise -Cont. - en0593a0243Lesson 6 Airfield Obstruct and Navigational-Aid SurveysPart A- Federal Aviation Adminintration ObstructionsFigure 6-1. Imaginary SurfacesFigure 6-2. OIS DimensionsFigure 6-3. Approach SurfacesObstructions -Cont.Part B-Airfield Data Accuracy RequirementsTable 6-2. Electronic-NAVAID Accuracy RequirementsPart C-ReportingPart C-Reporting -Cont. - en0593a0255Part C-Reporting -Cont. - en0593a0256Part C-Reporting -Cont. - en0593a0257Figure 6-4. Sample DA Form 5821 (Airfield Compilation Report)Table 6-6. Instructions for Completing DA Form 5821Figure 6-5. Sample DA Form 5822 (PAR Data)Figure 6-6. Sample DA Form 5827 (ILS Data)Lesson 6 Practice Exercise Lesson 6 Practice Exercise -Cont.Answer Key and Feedback - en0593a0264Surveying III (Topographic and Geotric Surveys)