Heavy Timber Construction
THE FOOD YOU EAT in the mess hall, the items you
constructed with heavy-duty loading docks. Some docks
buy at the PX, and the clothes you purchase at the sales
are constructed with inclined ramps (see fig. 45) to
store-all these were at one time shipped to and stored in a
accommodate small loading and unloading equipment.
warehouse. To make the handling of these items by
Others are built upright for direct loading or unloading of
warehouse personnel easier, most warehouses are
trucks and rail cars. No matter what type loading dock is
constructed with loading docks or platforms. It is
provided, it must be strong enough to withstand the
important that these warehouse loading docks or
impacts of loaded trucks and movements of loading
platforms be well constructed and maintained to prevent
equipment. To make sure these structures can withstand
their breakdown. You, as an Army carpenter, will be
this abuse, they must be periodically inspected and
responsible for the maintenance of these facilities, and
adequately maintained.
this chapter will help you do the job.
7-2. Construction Features. This section contains
2. This chapter also deals with waterfront
information on the construction features, general
structures. Naturally, we think of the Navy when we
maintenance problems, and corrective repairs of
think of wharves and piers. Yet there are places where
warehouse loading docks. There are two important
Army personnel maintain such facilities.
factors to consider when planning loading docks: the size
3. A good example of this is our port facilities in
of cargo to be handled and the weight to be carried by the
Vietnam. These facilities were expanded at first but most
platform. For example, if only small, light items of cargo
of them have been completely rebuilt to accommodate all
will be stored in the warehouse, the dimension of the
the services. Some of these facilities may be used by the
loading dock may be small. But if the platform is to carry
Navy for its tankers and supply ships which bring in fuel,
the weight of cargo and transporting vehicles (forklifts,
food and other necessary supplies.
The facilities
tugs, and trucks), it must be built much larger and
engineer, or an engineer unit under Army command, is
stronger than if it is to
responsible for all maintenance and repair work to keep
facilities in operating condition. This is only one
example-there are many others-where you may have the
opportunity to work on wharves or piers. Some may be
large, like the example just given, or they may be small,
only large enough to accommodate small boats. This
chapter discusses the fundamental principles of
constructing and maintaining warehouse loading docks
and waterfront structures.
7. Warehouse Loading Docks
7-1. Practically every item we see around us was at
one time packed and crated or stored in a warehouse.
Some of these items are large, heavy, and very difficult to
handle. To make them easier to handle and store,
warehouses have been
Figure 45. Warehouse loading dock.