letters, normally alphabetical
(d) Third digit codes. The third
subgroups, are added as needed.
digit of the code indicates the theater of operations
standard of construction.
Increasing numbers
Example -
indicate greater degrees of permanency of
accommodations. The degree of permanency will
A - Administration
depend upon command policies, operational
AP - Post Office
necessity and availability of construction materials
AR - Recreation
and effort. Standards of construction vary with each
(b) Fist digit codes. The first
functional grouping.
For example, in storage
digit of the code of an installation indicates its size
installations the degree of permanency is based on
relationship to other installations provided for the
the proportion of covered storage in buildings instead
same function.
of tents.
(e) Fourth digit codes.
fourth digit of the code indicates the nature of the
task involved in providing the installation. Code
numbers are assigned as follows:
(c) Second digit codes.
second digit of the code indicates the climatic or
terrain condition in the area for which the installation
is planned. Installations are not developed at this
time for all climatic and terrain conditions. Code
assignments for this digit are as follows:
(f) Example. An example of the
coding system for installations is as follows:
Code NT-1.131
AR - Recreation Installation
(g) Installation
BB - Barrier Systems
arranged in orders of functional groupings.
BC - Field Fortifications
A - Administration
BD - Obstacle Reduction
AP - Post Offices