Surveying Theory and Practices, Davis and
involved when the component materials were ordered
Although these works are oriented to civilian
a. Need for AFCS. Because there was
needs, much of the material is applicable to military
lack of design standardization, both in the types of
construction. The Handbook of Heavy Construction
buildings and in the facilities provided in the field,
is a particularly useful reference for the study of the
the Army designed the AFCS. The AFCS is
elements of structural theory, design principles, and
explained in detail in TM 5-301, TM 5-302, and TM
strength of materials.
5-303. These three manuals constitute a construction
management tool in that they provide standards of
b. Army publications. In addition to the
construction, phases of construction, standard plans,
above, there are a number of Army publications
bills of material, labor and cost estimates, logistic
which deal with various construction and related
data, and equipages designed to provide or augment
subjects. You will find these publications indexed in
the equipment required for the execution of specific
DA pamphlets 310-3 and 310-4. It is not the intent of
types of construction forces in various world areas.
this subcourse to cover those in detail; however,
Construction units are thereby relieved of much of
certain information will be given.
the task of designing, and preparing drawings,
specifications, and bills of materials. In addition, the
system is adaptable to automatic data processing
After material requirements for a building-
(ADP) in determining the overall requirements for
construction project have been determined,
construction support of military operations in a TO.
requisitions are prepared carefully, checked, and
It is not the intent of this subcourse to provide a
forwarded through properly designated supply
complete knowledge of the AFCS, but rather to
channels. They should be submitted at the earliest
provide a familiarization in its use.
possible date to insure delivery of materials in time to
In the three manuals
b. Concept.
maintain progress schedules.
mentioned above, the requirements for engineer
a. Quantities. When bills of material are
effort and material are tabulated in terms of
prepared according to the methods outlined in lesson
installations, facilities, and equipages; engineer effort
4, quantities are taken directly from the bill.
is expressed in manhours; and material is expressed
Appropriate waste allowances must be added to the
by cubage (measurement ton, MT, 40 cu ft/ton) and
by weight (short ton, ST, 2,000 lb/ton).
b. Nomenclature. All items should be
(1) TM 5-301, Staff Tables of Army
requisitioned by the nomenclature, stock number, and
This manual
Facilities Components System.
unit of measure specified in Department of the Army
contains tabulated logistical data in the form of staff
supply catalogs. Items not listed are requisitioned by
tables for all installations, facilities, and equipages in
the most commonly used American nomenclature.
the AFCS. It also contains basic definitions and
descriptions of the system as well as its use and
(2) TM 5-302, Construction in the
The Army Facilities Components System
Theater of Operations. This manual provides
(AFCS), (formerly known as the Engineer Functional
general construction drawings based upon accepted
Components System (EFCS)), makes it possible to
design standards, and special construction details,
requisition all the materials for installations,
with simplified bills of materials for various
facilities, or equipages (a 500-man troop camp, a
installations and facilities. It does NOT present
750-bed hospital, a 4000-man PW camp, etc.) as an
logistical data as to engineer effort, weight and
end item. This eliminates the tremendous amount of
cubage requirements.
paper work and requisitions which were formerly