selected. The shortest standard length (they range
from 8 feet to 20 feet in 2-foot increments, paragraph
1-17a, lesson 1) which supplies the most pieces with
the least waste is normally chosen, i.e., usually
several short pieces (up to 6 feet) can be cut from one
standard length whereas pieces measuring more than
6 feet normally require the entire standard length.
The selected standard length is entered in column 6.
= 2 lengths w/36 inches waste
For convenience all measurements should be
It is apparent the 10-foot standard length is more
converted to inches. Footage is converted into inches
economical and should be selected for column 6.
prior to actual computation. i.e., 8 feet = 96 inches (8
Column 7, as a result of this calculation, would list 2
x 12), 10 feet = 120 inches (10 x 12), and so on. The
as the number of pieces which can be cut from the
entry far column 7 (number per standard length) is
length selected. Developing column 8 (number of
developed by dividing the standard length in column
standard lengths), divide the number of pieces listed
6 by the length in place in column 5.
in column 3 by column 7.
(2) The number of standard lengths for
column 8, is then developed by dividing column 3
(number of pieces) by column 7.
c. Continuing the example of the scrub
Thus columns 6, 7, and 8 for item 1 would be:
table (a above) and following the method just
described columns 6, 7, and 8, let us proceed to
finalize the takeoff list.
(1) Complete item 1, listed in a(1),
above. Note that two pieces, each 4' - 6" long, are
required. To develop columns 6 and 7 which relate
to each other, try a 10-foot length.
Converting to inches:
In this example, column 4 is omitted since it
10' - 0" = 10 x 12 = 120 inches
is not used in the calculations.
4' - 6" = (4 x 12) + 6 = 48 +
(2) Continuing with item 2 (a(2),
6 = 54 inches
above), observe that the item requires two pieces,
each 3' - 0" long. In selecting the standard length
(column 6) and the number per standard length
(column 7), calculate on the closest standard length
by trying an 8-foot versus a 10-foot length.
Converting to inches:
= 2 pieces w/12 inches waste
8' - 0" = 8 x 12 = 96 inches
3' - 0" = 3 x 12 = 36 inches
Trying a 12-foot standard length:
12' - 0" = 12 x 12 = 144 inches
4' - 6" = (4 x 12) + 6 = 48 +
6 = 54 inches
= 2 pieces w/24 inches waste