CREDIT HOURS ...................................... 2
TEXT ASSIGNMENT............................... Attached memorandum.
MATERIALS REQUIRED ....................... None.
SUGGESTIONS ........................................ Review the preceding lessons, with particular attention to construction
drawings; nomenclature; and standards for materials, nominal
dimensions, and nail sizes.
Upon completion of this lesson on materials
2. Qualifications
estimating you should be able to accomplish the
Outline the qualifications a good
following in the indicated topic areas:
materials estimator should possess and the training
and experience necessary to develop these skills.
1. Importance of estimating. Relate the
importance of estimating to the overall planning of a
3. Prepare a bill of materials. Prepare a
construction project.
bill of materials following the five steps outlined in
this lesson.
the main portion of the estimate. He should compare
the specifications with the plans to insure proper
a. Importance of estimating. One of the
application of the specifications. After this, he
most important steps in planning a construction
should visit the work site to become thoroughly
project is estimating. It should be considered the first
familiar with local conditions.
approach in scheduling cost of time and materials. In
military construction carelessly made estimates may
(2) The next step the estimator must do
lead to failure to meet completion dates; may cause
is prepare a checklist of tasks that have to be
uneconomical use of men, materials, and equipment;
performed to complete the project. Experience
and may seriously jeopardize a tactical or strategic
enables the estimator to determine the sequence of
situation. The military construction manager must
the tasks. However, the less experienced estimator
have competent estimators in his organization as well
can gain some insight into this process by examining
as being a good estimator himself.
the plans and specifications.
b. Steps in overall estimating.
(3) The third step in estimating is the
preparation of a bill of materials. Information
(1) An estimator's first task is to study
the plans and specifications from which he computes