specification, it is listed separately, described
under column 1 and record the remaining information
individually, and specifically allocated.
under columns 2 through 5, as follows:
(1) Parts are not combined unless size
and nomenclature are identical. A structure may
have 20 posts (all same nomenclature) but any one or
all of these posts would be listed and described
individually if any difference in size existed. Also, a
part having the identical size of any other differently
named part would be separately itemized and
(2) The second item, from the same
front and end view, is the end rail (bottom). Two
(2) The second step in preparing a
pieces are also required, each 2 x 4. The length in
take-off list is listing and describing the part in detail.
place, 3' - 0", is located in the end view.
For example, the number of pieces, nominal size, and
this information, as above, the
length in place of wooden pieces would be listed.
following listing would result;
For parts other than wood, the listing consists of full
description by nomenclature, size and/or quantity.
(3) The third phase of a take-off list is
indicating the standard lengths of lumber to use for
each wooden part listed and described. This requires
that the materials estimator know the different sizes
of lumber available at the depot and which sizes will
produce the most parts with the least waste. This
(3) Working systematically and in a
phase includes determining the number of pieces per
logical sequence, take-off item three (3). Note that it
part each standard length will produce and the
is a pair of top side rails, one rail for each side of the
number of standard lengths required for the total
table. Dimensions are 2 x 4 - 4' - 6". The next item
number of pieces per part.
(4) labeled for take-off is the top end rail. Two of
c. Form. In general the take-off list
them are required, one for each end, in nominal size
should contain these important columns: (1) item. (2)
of 2 x 4. The length in place, shown in the side view,
part, (3) number of pieces, (4) nominal size, (5)
is 3' - 0". Here are the entries for items 3 and 4.
length in place, (6) standard length, (7) number of
pieces per standard length, and (8) number of
standard lengths.
a. Development of a take-off list begins
with examination of the plans and follows the method
described in paragraph 4-5b, above. For example, let
us develop the first five columns of a take-off list for
a scrub table shown in figure 4-1.
(4) Next, note item 5, the intermediate
rail. Like item 4, it is a 2 x 4 (3' - 0" long) member
(1) Starting at the bottom, from the
and provides support to the table top. Four legs (item
front and end views, note (as visualized through the
6) in nominal size of 2 x 4 with length in place of 3' -
detail) that the cable has two side rails (bottom) each
0" complete the items on the lower part of the table
made up of 2 x 4's, 4' - 6" long. Enter this as item 1
Take-off items 5 and 6 are listed as follows: