percent for waste is made on each item, so 550 pieces
required will be determined by counting the joints.
and 330 pieces would be listed respectively in the bill
Referring to figure 4-1, there are 30 joints. Only
of materials.
two nails are required per joint because the
maximum width is less than 8 inches. Thirty joints
per table x 2 nails per joint = 60 nails/table. The
job requirement is for 100 tables,
Nail requirements (par. 4-4a(4)) are expressed in
pounds of nails. The quantity of nails required can be
100 tables x 60 nails per table = 6000 nails
determined by counting the number of joints in
simple structures, by using the formulas for
From table 4-1, the allowance for waste for
approximate quantities or by using table 1-3 in lesson
common wire nails is 20%.
1. When the quantity of nails is determined by
6000 x 1.20 = 7,200 nails
counting joints, allow two nails per joint for material
up to 8 inches wide and three per joint for wider
The number of 10d per pound from figure 1-15 or
table 1-3 is 74 nails per pound.
a. Nail requirements can also be estimated
by use of the following formulas:
d. In comparison, determine the quantity
of nails to construct the 100 scrub tables required by
using the formula for framing members:
pounds of nails per MBF = 1.67d
= 1.67 x 10 =
Referring to paragraph 4-7d(3), there are 63 BF per
scrub table or 6,300 BF per 100 scrub tables or 6.3
b. The nail size should be at least 1.5 to 2
MBF per 100 scrub tables.
times the thickness of the wood it is intended to hold
Thus the number of pounds of nails required:
if it is driven across the grain of the second piece of
wood and at least 3 times the thickness of the wood it
16.7 pounds of nails per MBF x 6.3 MBF =
is intended to hold if it is driven with the grain of the
105.21 pounds of nails say 105 pounds of 10d
second piece of wood. Table 1-3 gives some
common nails.
recommended nail sizes and the quantities required
For this case, the formula gives a value that is
for various elements of frame structures.
8.25% greater than the exact amount plus the
c. For example, let us determine the size
standard allowance for waste
and quantity of nails required to finish 100 scrub
The greatest thickness of wood the nail is intended
to hold is 1 1/2 inches. The nails will be driven
e. The following example on the use of
across the grain of the second piece of wood. Nail
table 1-3 will illustrate its usefulness: What size,
lengths should be at least 1.5 or 2 times 1 1/2
kind, and quantity of nails are required to lay 1 x 4
inches. Two times the thickness of a 2 x 4 is 3.
flooring for a room 50 x 100, joists spaced 16 inches
Select a 3-inch length, or 10-penny common nail.
on centers?
Since this is a simple structure, the number of nails