(1) Beveled Siding. Beveled siding is made with beveled boards, thin at the top edge and
thick at the butt (see Figure 2-27). It is the most common form of wood siding It comes in 1 inch for
narrow widths and 2 inches and over for wide types. It is nailed to solid sheathing, over which building
paper has been attached.
Figure 2-27. Beveled siding
(2) Drop Siding. Drop siding is used as a combination of sheathing and siding or with
separate sheathing. It comes in a wide variety of face finishes and is either shiplapped or tongue-and-
grooved (see Figure 2-28). When sheathing is not used, the door and window casings are set after the
siding is up. If sheathing is used and then building paper is added, drop siding is applied with beveled
siding, after the window and door casings are in place.
Figure 2-28. Drop siding