m. A chalk line is used to facilitate layout.
n. A 16-foot measuring tape is used for measuring the sheetrock.
o. A 4-foot hand level is used to plumb.
p. Sawhorses are used for placing sheetrock on to make cut.
2-14. Interior Wail Coverings. Interior wall coverings are divided into two general types: wet wall
material (such as plaster) and drywall material (including wood, sheetrock, plywood, and fiberboard).
Only drywall will be covered in this subcourse.
a. Drywall. Sheetrock, fiberboard, and plywood usually comes in 4-foot-wide and 5- to 8-foot-
long sheets, 1/4 to 3/4 inch thick. Drywall is applied in either single or double thicknesses with panels
placed as shown in Figure 2-30. When covering both walls and ceilings, always start with the ceilings.
Use annular ringed nails when applying finished-joint drywall to reduce nail pops.
Figure 2-30. Drywall placement