Figure 2-14.
Filing a crosscut saw
(4) Beveling. To file a ripsaw, place the saw securely in a
saw vise. File straight across the front of the teeth using a three
cornered file. Lower the file handle from 2 to 3 inches. This gives
a bevel on the top of each tooth that leans away from you. File down
the length of the saw, starting with the heel end and using the same
amount of pressure on each stroke (Figure 215).
Figure 2-15.
Beveling a ripsaw
(5) SideDressing. After
you file the saw, lay it flat on
a board and run the flat side of
the file gently along the side
of the teeth. Turn the saw over
and repeat the operation on the
other side. This is called
sidedressing. No setting may
be needed for the next two or
three filings. In this case,
sidedress with an oilstone to
Figure 2-16.
Side-dressing a saw
remove the burrs (Figure 216).