From Page 79
(1) Exactly right. As stated in the DID, it serves as the principal means
of substantiating the feasibility of required human performance, the
accuracy of the personnel selection criteria, the adequacy of the training
program, and the acceptability of the man-machine interfaces.
This review has been quite brief, but we hope it's achieved its
objective; i. e., we hope that you are now more aware of where to look when
you have questions.
Be sure to keep these documents handy and check
periodically to ensure that they are up-to-date. Most of all, be sure to
consult the appropriate document whenever you are faced with a human factors
The next lesson will review the major human factor organizations which
are prominent today. You may be a member of one or more of them. Let's see
where you fit in the overall scheme.
See you when you begin Lesson 37.
Turn to Page 57.
From Page 46
(4) This is just a mirror image of the existing layout.
Return to Page 46.