From Page 51
So, you've been involved in something other than the SALV project.
However, SALV is the most important project in your active file, so we guess
you'd better get back to it.
For the balance of this lesson you will be using TM 29-76. You should
already have read this document and, therefore, you will be pretty familiar
with the two types of human factors tests which were conducted.
In this
document, two systems were evaluated as a result of the evaluation.
which system would changes most likely be made and why?
(1) The communication control unit, because it is in the brassboard stage.
Turn to Page 25.
(2) The communication control unit, because this system is a primary one for
mission completion. Turn to Page 16.
(3) The mission control station, because of its importance to system
effectiveness. Turn to Page 90.
(4) The mission control station, because it was only in the breadboard mock-
up stage. Turn to Page 24.
From Page 88
(1) When you modify a traditional system, a systems analysis is by no means
out of place, but it is more crucial elsewhere. Return to Page 88.