From Page 42
(3) Right.
By dividing the number of human errors made by either the
opportunity of errors or the number of equipment parts, you get an index of
task and hardware complexity. This information can then be used as a guide
for redesign.
In Lesson 26 we also discussed the need for training maintainers, and
this training theme was expanded in Lesson 28 and 29.
Several types of
training methods were mentioned:
on-the-job training, classroom training,
computer-aided training, and team training.
Which of these is most
frequently used in the military?
Classroom training. Turn to Page 74.
On-the-job training. Turn to Page 38.
Computer-aided training. Turn to Page 75.
Team training. Turn to Page 84.
From Page 23
(1) The R&D team built the weapon correctly.
Return to Page 23.