Lesson 4/Learning Event 2
When a nonstocked item has met the PLL stockage criteria, but is not
added to the PLL, take the following actions:
a. Write "Commander does not desire to stock this item" on DA Form
3318. Make this entry on the next line of the Demands section.
b. Continue keeping the card in the nonstocked file.
Start keeping
track of demands again.
Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System (UUMIPS). The UUMIPS is
designed to ensure that items are delivered according to the military
importance of the requesting unit and the urgency of need for other items.
The system is based on a combination of factors relating the mission of the
requisitioner, force/activity designator (FAD), and the UND of the request.
The FAD is expressed by Roman numerals I, II, III, III, IV, or V; The
permanent orders activating the unit usually include the assigned FAD.
unit has only one PAD. The highest priority units are assigned FAD I; the
lowest are assigned FAD V.
The UND is determined by the using unit.
It is used to express how
urgently the unit needs the requested supplies.
The UND is identified by
the letters A, B, or C.
a. The UND A is used to request material identified in the modification
table of organization and equipment (MTOE) with equipment readiness code
(EC) A, and/or required for immediate installation on, or repair of,
mission-essential material without which the unit or activity is unable to
perform its assigned mission.
b. The UND B is used to request material identified in the MTOE with
ERC B and/or required for immediate installation on, or repair of, mission-
essential material without which the ability of the unit or activity to
perform its assigned operational mission is impaired. It is also used when
material is required for immediate use for installation on, or repair of,
c. The UND C is used to request material identified in the MTOE with
ERC C and/or required for scheduled repair, maintenance, manufacture, or
replacement of all equipment and/or material required for purposes not
covered by any other UND.