1-12. Emergencies and Health Services.
a. First-Aid Emergencies. Provide well-stocked, first-aid kits containing fresh materials and
make them easily available and accessible during any painting operation. Ensure that all personnel are
able to give emergency first aid. However, report any illness to the medical and industrial safety
departments, regardless of whether or not it appears to be serious. Some toxic materials do not take full
effect for days.
b. Health Services. Health services include working with the installation medical department,
performing medical exams, and managing medical records.
(1) Medical department. You must consult with the installation medical department
regarding any questions or problems relating to the personal health and hygiene of the men or women
assigned to you. Decisions in this area are made by the installation medical officer and must be strictly
followed. Recommendations made by the medical department are to be presented to your painting crew
and enforced by you.
(2) Medical examinations and records. All painting personnel are initially required to have
thorough medical examinations with the results entered into their permanent-record files. Subsequent
examinations may be required periodically before personnel assigned to the painting crew can be
exposed to any job or paint material considered to be at all hazardous. You should immediately request
a medical examination of any person suspected of having an illness or affliction which may have been
the result of a past painting operation or which may be aggravated at the next assignment.