14 The standard size is 20 x 48 feet (d), but there are some quonsets that are two or three times longer. They can be
assembled in 8-foot sections.
15. The joints between the panels are covered with the T-shaped metal strip, but when plywood is used for the floor,
the edges and joints are protected by an H-shaped metal strip (d).
16. The wall panels are fastened in
place with double-headed scaffold nails or
bolts (c). The bolts fasten two pane
together along the vertical edge.
17. The floor consists of flooring, joists, and girders (a). Also, it may have a finish floor or the floor may be of
18. The brace rods are used to square the end bays (b) of the building. They run diagonally from the top of one column
to the bottom of the adjoining column.
19. When aluminum panel are placed on a steel frame a separator must be used because direct contact of the two metals
results in corrosion (b).
20. The glazing clips (d) hold the glass in place while putty is applied. They fit between the edge of the glass and the
frame. Use a screwdriver to install these clips.