(3) Cast-iron pipes and fittings. Cast-iron
detail 11G. Also, you can clearly see the required
pipes and fittings are used for building drains and for
shower head and control valve fitting requirements in
soil, waste, and vent piping. These pipes can be lain
special detail #6.
in unstable soil without danger of sagging. Pipes and
fittings are made with bell-and-spigot and flanged
a. Water Distribution. The plan shown on
ends. Bell-and-spigot joints are caulked with oakum
figure 3-9, together with the standard and special
and lead or a caulking compound; flanged fittings are
detail drawing and a bill of materials, permits the
bolted together to make a joint.
experienced plumber to install the complete water
distribution system accurately and satisfactorily.
(4) Brass, lead, and copper piping. Brass,
Note that the hot water heater and storage tank
lead, or copper piping is used in high quality, or more
connections would be detailed on standard detail
expensive, systems of waste plumbing. Brass or lead
drawing 11L. Notice also that the point at which the
is used when excessive acids or corrosive liquids are
incoming water supply piping would be brought up to
present. Such acids or liquids are seldom present in
ceiling level would be shown on the hose bib location
the flow of theater of operations sewerage. Brass
standard detail drawing 11X. Look carefully at the
pipes and fittings are joined by standard pipe threads,
plan and note that the pipe sizes and type are clearly
and the fitting shapes are identical to those used for
specified in all cases.
galvanized steel or wrought iron pipe. Lead pipe is
very ductile, a feature that is advantageous in speed
b. Waste System. The plan (fig 3-9) shows
of installation, but it must be well supported because
the building waste system starting at the 4-inch
it deteriorates rapidly if permitted to sag. Copper
shower drain in the shower room, out to the
pipe is not commonly specified for use as waste and
connection with the 4-inch fiber pipe of the sewerage
vent piping because of the excessive cost of the larger
The exact piping arrangement and
sizes. For making connections, the pipe is cut to the
establishment of the correct slope are left to the
desired length and sweat-soldered to the applicable
plumber. Note that in the plan view, the P-traps
type of the several fittings available.
below the drains are specified but not actually shown.
However, you can see again the use of the standard
detail symbols. Note that standard details 11Q
would give all the necessary information on the
Figure 3-9 is a typical utility plan for a bath
construction of the two through-the-roof 4-inch vents.
house and latrine showing the water distribution
When standard details are provided, it is important to
plumbing, waste plumbing, and electrical wiring. For
remember that they are prepared to cover a large
a small structure of this type, only a plan view as
variety of applications and the plumber is expected to
shown will normally be provided together with some
make minor alterations to suit particular installations.
additional detail drawings. You can see that the
For example: Note that the 90-degree straight Y in
schedule of drawings lists three sources of additional
the water closet detail 11G (fig 3-10), is shown for
information on the plumbing: a standard details
flow to the left. In the installation plan (fig 3-9), the
drawing, a special details drawing, and a bill of
soil pipe pitch is in the opposite direction so the Y
materials. Standard details are indicated by a number
must be installed in the opposite direction.
and letter in a circle, for example 11G. Special
details are called out on the plan, "DETAIL #6" for
example. An example of these standard and special
details is shown on figure 3-10. Note that the method
of supporting the flush tank, the method of coupling
the water pipe to the flush tank, and all other
Although the waste system shown in the utility
necessary information that could not be shown on the
plan (fi 3-9) is relatively simple, it
plan is clearly shown on the standard drawing for