Upon completion of the text assignment, solve the following self test exercises based on lesson objectives.
The following exercises are study aids. References to related information in the reading material are
shown in parentheses after each question. Write your answer in the space provided below each question.
When you have finished answering al the questions for this lesson, compare your answers with those
given for this lesson in the back of the booklet. Review the lesson as necessary.
Objective 1. LINE CONVENTIONS. Interpret the established line conventions and symbols used on
engineering drawings. (Answer questions 1 through 3.)
When reading a drawing, you will find that the various features of an object are represented by different types
and weights of lines. Which of the following statements regarding the meaning of a line with certain
characteristics is correct? (para 1-2) (fig 1-2)
The meaning of a line is the same for construction drawing, but differs for production drawings.
b. The meaning of a line has been standardized and will be the same on any drawing.
The visible edges of an object are represented by a line often referred to as the outline. Describe the
characteristics of the outline. (para 1-2,a)(fig 1-2)
A pair of short heavy lines with arrowheads projected at 90 degrees indicates the cutting plane when a
drawing includes a section view. What do the arrowheads indicate? (para 1-2,j)(fig 1-2)
isometric projections. (Answer questions 4 through 6.)
In orthographic projection, each face of an object is presented as if it were viewed from an infinite distance
through a drawing plane placed parallel to that particular face. Points on the object face are then projected to
the drawing plane by projectors which are perpendicular to the plane and parallel to each other. Which lines
and surfaces on the object face will project in their true length and shape? (para 1-4,a(1))
The most realistic pictorial drawing is the perspective drawing; however, it is not practical for construction
drawings. For what reason is it not practical? (para 1-4,b(3))
Three types of pictorial projections are the trimetric, dimetric, and isometric projections. The isometric
projection is the most common type in technical drawing. Describe an isometric projection. (para 1-4,b())