CREDIT HOURS .......................................................... 2
TEXT ASSIGNMENT................................................... Attached memorandum.
MATERIALS REQUIRED ........................................... None.
SUGGESTIONS ............................................................ Review lesson 1.
Upon completion of this lesson you should be
walls of a structure utilizing the materials most
able to accomplish the following in the indicated
suitable under the prevailing circumstances.
topic areas:
3. Stairs. Design and construct stairs for
1. Roofing. Design and supervise the
theater-of-operations type buildings.
installation of roofs for any typical theater-of-
4. Fire
operations type building.
appropriate measures to obtain adequate protection
2. Finishing details. Plan and supervise
against the hazards of fire.
the finishing details for both interior and exterior
content. Also, since it comes in large panels (usually
4 by 8 feet), it can be installed with less labor and
a. Plywood is a timber product frequently
provides more bracing effect than ordinary lumber.
used in frame structures. It consists of wood panels,
usually made up of three of more thin layers glued
together, with the grain of adjacent layers at an angle,
a. Glass (or window pane) in sometimes
usually 90, to each other. It may be made up of
available for TO construction in either single- or
double-strength panes. Since glass is difficult to ship
lumber. Plywood used in TO construction is usually
and requires special handling, several substitutes
5/16", 3/8", 1/2", or 5/8" thick and composed of three
have been developed. One of the most common glass
or five plies of veneer. Depending upon the type of
substitutes furnished for TO construction purposes is
adhesive used in manufacture, plywood is also rated
a clear, flexible, plastic which comes in rolls and is
as nonwater-resistant, water-resistant, or waterproof.
cut to the size required as it is used.
b. Compared with solid wood, plywood
b. Several types of fiberboard and
insulation board are manufactured and are used for
strength along the length and width of the panel,
finishing ceilings and the inside walls of
greater resistance to checking and splitting, and less
change in dimension with change in moisture