j. Clay With Low Plasticity. Clays with low plasticity display the following engineering characteristics:
Compressibility/expansion: Moderate
Permeability when compacted: Impervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Fair
Potential frost action: Moderate to high
Value as a construction material: Good to fair
k. Organics With Low Plasticity.
Organics with low plasticity display the following engineering
Drainage: Poor
Compressibility/expansion: Moderate to high
Permeability when compacted: Semipervious to impervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Poor
Potential frost action: Moderate to high
Value as a construction material: Fair
l. Silt With High Plasticity. Silts with high plasticity display the following engineering characteristics:
Drainage: Fair to poor
Compressibility/expansion: High
Permeability when compacted: Semipervious to impervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Fair to poor
Potential frost action: Moderate to very high
Value as a construction material: Poor
m. Clay With High Plasticity. Clays with high plasticity display the following engineering characteristics:
Compressibility/expansion: High
Permeability when compacted: Imperious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Poor
Potential frost action: Moderate
Value as a construction material: Poor
n. Organics With High Plasticity.
Organics with high plasticity display the following engineering
Compressibility/expansion: High
Permeability when compacted: Impervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Poor
Potential frost action: Moderate
Value as a construction material: Poor