e. Well-Graded Sand. Well-graded sands display the following engineering characteristics:
Drainage: Excellent
Compressibility/expansion: Negligible
Permeability when compacted: Pervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Excellent
Potential frost action: None to very slight
Value as a construction material: Excellent
f. Poorly Graded Sand. Poorly graded sands display the following engineering characteristics
Drainage: Excellent
Compressibility/expansion: Negligible
Permeability when compacted: Pervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Good
Potential frost action: None to very slight
Value as a construction material: Fair
g. Silty Sand. Silty sands display the following engineering characteristics:
Compressibility/expansion: Very slight to moderate
Permeability when compacted: Semipervious to impervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Good
Potential frost action: Slight to high
Value as a construction material: Fair
h. Clayey Sand. Clayey sands display the following engineering characteristics:
Compressibility/expansion: Slight to moderate
Permeability when compacted: Impervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Good to fair
Potential frost action: Slight to high
Value as a construction material: Good
i. Silt With Low Plasticity. Silts with low plasticity display the following engineering characteristics:
Compressibility/expansion: Slight to moderate
Permeability when compacted: Semipervious to impervious
Shear strength when compacted and saturated: Fair
Potential frost action: Moderate to very high
Value as a construction material: Fair