Figure 3-14. Pitch on the rafter table
c. Assembly. Rafters are usually made into trusses. Two rafters are connected at the top, using
a collar tie well nailed into both rafters. Before any ties or chords are nailed, the rafters should be
spread at the lower end to equal the width of the building. This is done by using a template or by
measuring the distance between the seat cuts with a tape (see Figure 3-15).
Figure 3-15. Assembling a truss
(1) Chord. A 1 by 6 or 2 by 4 chord is nailed across the rafters at the seat cut to tie them
together. This chord forms a truss with the two rafters. A hanger or vertical member of 1 by 6 is
nailed to the rafter joint and extends to the chord at midpoint, tying the rafter to the chord.