(1711-R) (2-67)
FRAME 2-68.
Refer to panels 2-2 and 2-3. These illustrate a sample of a completed Form 1711-R, both front and back. The
R in the number means that it may be locally reproduced, but it should follow the format shown to insure that all
necessary data are included. There are four parts to Form 1711-R: the heading, the body, the authentication block,
and, on the reverse side, the work estimate.
Observed data is most useful for intelligence purposes when it is recorded completely, accurately, and
uniformly on DA Form _________________________.
(go on to next frame) (2-91)
FRAME 2-92.
When a water point, either existing or potential, is reported on DA Form 1711-R, the quantity of water available
is computed and noted. The water point formula, given on page 5 of Appendix I, is used to compute the quantity
of water in gallons per minute. The formula multiplies the velocity of the water in feet per minute (V) by the cross-
sectional area of the water source in square feet (A), and multiplies the result by a constant, 6.4. The formula is
expressed as Q = (A) (V) (6.4).
The quantity of water in gallons per minute is computed by using the _____________________________