From Page 95
Chapanis and Van Cott have detailed human factors objectives in the
various phases of system development and testing.
A synopsis of this
information is provided below.
The major emphasis of system testing is found in the hardware
subsystem. As human factors engineers, we are concerned with this subsystem
as it impacts personnel.
Therefore, our interest in hardware test and
evaluation is twofold:
(1) we must make certain that human engineering
principles are applied to hardware design; (2) we can use data derived from
hardware testing to test our personnel.
There are three stages of hardware test and evaluation.
They are:
(1) Subsystem development test and evaluation
(2) System development test and evaluation
Why do you think these three stages were listed in this order?
(1) Because it is necessary to study the parts of a system before either the
system itself or the operability of the system can be evaluated. Turn to
Page 40.
(2) Because the components of a system are more important to test and
evaluation issues than either the system or its operators. Turn to Page 28.
(3) Because operations tests are the most difficult to perform and are,
therefore, conducted last. Turn to Page 4.
From Page 57
(3) Testing can be conducted at this point, but it is more important to test
at another phase of system development. Return to Page 57.