From Page 45
We have an idea of what we consider to be a best new arrangement.
Which of the following would you consider to be the best new sequence for
arranging the food items?
(1) Short orders, sandwiches, cafeteria items, small and large salads,
desserts, beverages. Turn to Page 19.
(2) Short orders, sandwiches, desserts, small salads, cafeteria items,
beverages, large salads. Turn to Page 51.
(3) Short orders, salads, desserts, sandwiches, cafeteria items, beverages.
Turn to Page 100.
(4) Beverages, desserts, salads, cafeteria items, sandwiches and short
orders. Turn to Page 54.
From Page 33
(2) These data were correct before the 10 May 1978 change to this document
was issued. Be sure you have all the applicable revisions of MIL-STD-1472.
Return to Page 33.
From Page 59
(3) This is a correct answer, but several others go with it.
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