2-11. Critical Points. Critical point symbols (Figure 2-16) are used on an overlay in
conjunction with engineer resource symbols to show features not adequately covered by
other symbols. Number (in order) and describe any critical points on the DA Form 1711-R.
Figure 2-16. Critical Point Symbol
2-12. Engineer Reconnaissance Report Form. The DA Form 1711-R (Figures 2-17 and 2-18,
pages 2-28 and 2-29) is used to report those items of engineer reconnaissance not
adequately covered by the DA report forms previously discussed. This form is required for
both a hasty and a deliberate reconnaissance. The engineer reconnaissance form is used
with a reconnaissance overlay to provide a convenient and uniform way for reporting the
results of an engineer reconnaissance. The information is recorded on the form as follows:
The heading information is self-explanatory and identifies who conducted the
reconnaissance and when and where it was conducted.
The "key" column refers to an item of the report and its corresponding location on
the reconnaissance overlay. The critical point number of the object is entered in
this column.
The "object" column shows the object being explained. A conventional symbol or a
brief written description is entered.
The "time-observed" column shows the DTG of observation.
The "work-estimate" column will state "yes" if a work estimate is included and "no"
if a work estimate is not included. Work estimates are not required for a hasty
route reconnaissance.
The "additional-remarks" column is used to report the location of the object (by
grid coordinates), followed by explanatory remarks, calculations, and an
appropriate sketch. This information should be as detailed as possible to alleviate
the requirement for an additional reconnaissance.
The authentication blocks contain the company commander's identification and
Any work estimates appear on the reverse side of the form and are used to indicate
the amount and type of engineer effort required for construction or repair. Critical
point numbers for each work estimate identify the appropriate object on the front
side. Only those columns that are applicable are completed. Additional sketches
may be drawn to better explain the type of work required.
EN 5622