When joints are cut flush with the brick and not finished, cracks appear between the brick and the mortar
(Figure 3-12). Joints must be finished to make them weathertight.
3-10. Types of Joints. In every case, the mortar joint should be finished before the mortar has
a. Concave Joint. A concave joint provides the best protection from the weather. A S-shaped
jointer is used to press the mortar tight against both of the bricks and finish the joint.
b. Flush Joint. Flush joints are used in interior walls that have little exposure to moisture. This
joint is made by holding the trowel almost parallel to the face of the wall while drawing its point along
the wall.
c. Weather Joint. This type of joint is formed by pushing downward on the mortar with the top
edge of the trowel. Weather joints are good for walls that are exposed to lots of rain.
Figure 3-12. Joints