A horizontal scale of 1:12,000 and a vertical scale of 1 inch equal to 100 feet.
An adequate coverage area of the primary and approach surfaces.
A plan view of the runway as on the AP.
A profile view of objects carried in the plan view.
A profile view of objects penetrating the approach surfaces.
The correct approach surface or precise-instrument-runway (PIR) surface.
The correct numbering scheme of objects in the profile.
A north arrow.
NOTE: A PIR has an existing instrument approach procedure using an ILS or PAR. A PIR also
refers to a runway for which a precision approach system is planned and is so indicated by an
FAA-approved airport layout plan, a military service military airport layout plan, any other FAA
planning document, or a military service military airport planning document.
d. Tabulated Operational Data. The TOD should show--
The airport location point (ALP) listed in degrees and minutes.
The ARP listed in degrees, minutes, and three-decimal-place seconds.
and TDZE elevations.
The geodetic azimuth from approach end to stop end, reckoned from the north.
Additional information pertaining to runways with DTs.
e. Notes and Legends. A detailed explanation of what pertinent information to depict is included in
FAA 405, Section 10.1.6. The NL should include the--
Horizontal and vertical data.
Map projection.
Airport elevation.