Provide adequate sills or underpinnings when erecting scaffolds on filled or soft
ground. Be sure that scaffolds are plumb and level. Compensate for unevenness of
the ground by blocking or using adjusting screws.
Anchor scaffolds to the wall about every 28 feet in length and 18 feet in height. Do
not force braces to fit. Use horizontal and diagonal-bracing at the bottom and at
every 30 feet in height.
Use straight-grained lumber. Drive all nails flush with the lumber so that nails are not
subject to direct pull.
Provide guardrails, regardless of working height, on the full length of the scaffold and
also on the ends.
Erect scaffolds so that ladders are lined up from top to bottom.
Use ladders when climbing scaffolds.
Use tubular-pole scaffolds made of 2-inch, olive drab galvanized steel tubing or other
corrosion-resistant metal of equal strength. Use only experienced personnel to erect
and dismantle them.