Upon completion of the text assignment, solve the following self test exercises based on lesson objectives.
NOTE: The following exercises are study aids. References to related information in the reading material are
shown in parentheses after each question. Write your answer in the space provided below each question.
When you have finished answering all the questions for this lesson, compare your answers with those
given for this lesson in the back of the booklet. Review the lesson as necessary.
Objective 1. WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION. Discuss the elements of a typical water supply waste
and distribution system used in military field installations. (Answer questions 1 through 3.)
1. Refer to figure 3-1. If you were interested in looking at specific details of the filter bed, which drawing
number would you refer to? (para 3-2)(fig 3-1)
2. A water distribution plan will show the general location and size of the pipes along with valves, sumps, water
tanks, and other fixtures. Figure 3-2 is an example of one such distribution plan. What size pipe, in inches, is
used to transport the water from the supply system to the water tank? (para 3-3) (fig 3-2)
3. Referring again to figure 3-2, approximately how many feet of 2-inch pipe are needed to connect the utility
building-8 with the main distribution line? (para 3-3) (fig 3-2)
Objective 2. PLUMBING SYMBOLS. Identify the symbols used on plumbing plans for piping, fittings,
valves, and fixtures for water distribution and waste disposal. (Answer questions 4 through 6.)
4. Different symbols and line conventions are used to indicate the various plumbing features on a plumbing plan.
How are the types and locations of acid- and/or water-carrying pipes indicated? (para 3-6,a)
5. Pipe fittings are represented by symbols which combine lines and various geometrical shapes. Which of the
figures shown represents a concentric reducer fitting? (para 3-6, b) (fig 3-6)