TM 5-811-1 AFJMAN 32-1080
Reseal voltage
gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable
The voltage at which an arrester will stop conduct-
mixture with the air.
ing after discharge.
Pad-mounted transformer
An outdoor transformer utilized as part of an
A residential development, or a mixture or resi-
underground distribution system, with enclosed
dential and small commercial establishments,
compartment(s) for high voltage and low-voltage
characterized by few pedestrians at night. This
cables entering from below, and mounted on a
definition includes areas with single family homes,
foundation pad.
town houses, and/or small apartment buildings.
Pavement R1
Secondary unit substation
Portland cement concrete road surface. Asphalt
A unit substation with secondary rated less than
road surface with a minimum of 15 percent of the
aggregates composed of artificial brightener.
Mostly diffuse.
Secondary voltage
Low-voltage system. Also see utilization voltage.
Pavement R2
Asphalt road surface with an aggregate composed
Selective energy system
of a minimum 60 percent gravel. Mixed (diffuse
A selective energy system uses all the electric
and specular).
energy that the installation system can generate
plus additional electric energy obtained from con-
Pavement R3
ventional sources. Selective energy systems may
Asphalt road surface (regular and carpet seal) with
dark aggregates (e.g., trap rock, blast furnace
incorporate waste heat recovery systems.
slag); rough texture after some months of use
Service voltage
(typical highways). Slightly specular.
The root-mean-square phase-to-phase or phase-to-
Pavement R4
neutral voltage at the point where the electrical
Asphalt road surface with very smooth texture.
system of the supplier and the user are connected.
Mostly specular.
Peak load
Ungrounded systems, which do not carry a neutral
The maximum load consumed or produced by a
as such, and solidly grounded systems with neu-
unit or group of units in a stated period of time. It
trals that do not have at least four ground connec-
may be the maximum instantaneous load or the
tions per mile are example of "single-grounded
maximum average load over a designated period of
systems." See also ungrounded.
Station-type transformer
Power transformer
tion or substation.
any part of the circuit between the generator and
the distribution primary circuits.
Tangent pole
An in-line pole.
Primary unit substation
A unit substation with secondary rated above 1000
Total energy system
V. For CEGS purposes, and articulated primary
A total energy system supplies energy require-
unit substation has both high voltage and low-
voltage sections mechanically coupled to the trans-
other uses from a single source making maximum
former, while a standard primary unit substation
use of available waster heat. Such a system is
has only the low-voltage section mechanically cou-
independent of other energy sources and is gener-
pled to the transformer.
ated and controlled by the user.
Primary voltage
Medium-voltage. Also, see distribution voltage.
A common industry term for a wye-connected
system with its common point connected to earth
Protective level
a t the source through a high-independence,
The maximum crest value of voltage that appears
current-limiting connection. Ungrounded systems
across an arrester's terminals under specified con-
are one form of single-grounded systems.
ditions of operation.