h. Use local resources.
(1) Engineer resources of local governments, other services, and
allied forces are in every theater. At the tactical level this
often requires improvising to convert on-site materiel and
equipment to military use.
At higher levels, host-nation
resources are well-suited for sustaining engineer support in rear
(2) Local resources augment available engineers while releasing more
engineer units forward to the combat zone.
1-3. Task-Organization Process. The first section of the operational order
(OPORD) outlines the task organization of the force.
The task
organization shows the internal organization of the force and depicts
each unit in a command or a support relationship. Use the following
process to task-organize engineer elements:
a. Identify tasks.
(1) Identify specified and implied task requirements by maneuver
headquarters during the mission-analysis phase of the engineer
estimate. Derive specified tasks (obstacle zones, obstacle belts
with intents, required number of breach lanes, and the type of
breach) from the warning order (WO) or OPORD and the higher
commander's intent.
Develop implied tasks by analyzing the
mission with available facts and assumptions. When attacking to
seize an objective across a river, crossing the river is a
classical implied task.
(2) Develop essential tasks based on mission requirements and force
Identify specified and implied tasks as essential
tasks if they are critical to mission success.
As a staff
engineer, do not ignore the other specified and implied tasks,
but center your planning on identified essential tasks.
b. Identify follow-on and be-prepared tasks.
(1) For example, when an engineer unit supports a defensive
operation, it should plan and anticipate the support of a
counterattack if one occurs.
(2) Remember, whatever engineers do must accomplish the immediate
mission and fit into the commander's long-term intent.
c. Allocate engineer forces against tasks.
(1) You must allocate engineer elements (platoon, blade teams, and
assault and obstacle (A&O) sections) to accomplish specific