Lesson 6/Learning Event 2
Learning Event 2
A central mix plant is an assembly of specialized equipment that produces paving mixtures of
aggregate and bituminous material. The central mix plants in the Army are portable, wheel-
mounted, self-contained units. Portability, combined with ease of operation and maintenance,
permits widespread use of all plants in a variety of situations.
There are two principal sizes of central mix plants, the 100 to 150 ton per hour (TPH) plant and
the 80 to 120 TPH plant.
An asphalt mix plant is placed in one of three classifications depending on the precision with
which aggregate sizes can be proportioned in mixing.
High Type. The high type plant, also known as a multiple aggregate plant, produces mix
suitable for construction of heavy-duty wearing surfaces.
Intermediate Type. The intermediate type plant, also known as a single aggregate plant,
is capable of producing mix normally adequate for laydown of wearing surfaces for
average traffic conditions.
Soil Stabilization. The soil stabilization (or soil treatment) plant can produce material for
uses ranging from base courses to light duty wearing surfaces.
The component units of typical stabilization, intermediate and high type mix plants are:
For a soil stabilization plant
- aggregate feeder system (usually a belt conveyor)
- surge hopper
- cold elevator
- asphalt mixer
For an intermediate type plant
- aggregate hopper
- cold elevator
- aggregate dryer
- dust control unit
- fines feeder
- single bin feeder
- asphalt mixer