a. Maximum
f. 3 4W 127/220V service will be
is 6 percent.
provided throughout.
b. Smallest
14. Your assistant has submitted a
is No. 8.
design for section CI of the feeder
line (fig 20), using the following
c. To help determine distances, the
poles supporting the feeder are spaced
at 150 feet.
Length - 300 feet
d. Various groups of buildings have
Load - sum of demands for groups
been designated I, II, III, IV, and V
III, IV, and V
(fig 20) to facilitate the feeder
Voltage drop - 12 volts
e. The demand load for each group
and the remaining buildings has been
computed as follows:
After examining his procedure which
of the following conclusions do you
Group I - 6.50 KVA
a. he used an excessive voltage
Group II - 2.00 KVA
b. on the basis of the data used,
Group III - 2.50 KVA
his design seems to be adequate
c. his design is not adequate as he
Group IV - 4.00 KVA
did not apply all the available
Group V - 2.00 KVA
d. he did not apply the correct
Building 5 - NCO Club - 3.00 KVA
15. Using the loads given in the
Building 11 - Chapel - 1.40 KVA
situation, what size wire will be
required for section AC of the
Building 12 - Boiler room - 4.18 KVA
feeder if the voltage drop for this
particular section is allowed to be
Building 13 - Laundry, 2500 man -
2 percent?
41.00 KVA
a. 2
c. 1/0
b. 4
d. 2/0
Figure 21. For use with exercise 18.