(15; 6; 4m/sec; no) (3-82)
FRAME 3-83.
The third figure below the line represents the nature of the bottom of the ford. Capital letters are used to
designate the different types of bottom as shown below:
This symbol represents vehicular ford, number N1, with a ________________ bottom, a ______________-
stream velocity, significant seasonal limitations, a __________________width, a ____________________ length
and difficult approaches.
(width; type; worst) (3-112)
FRAME 3-113.
The third item in the formula, the military load classification, is a rating system which considers the load-
bearing capacity and dimensions of routes, especially bridges, and the weight and size of the vehicles. Most military
vehicles are marked with their classification numbers.
The rating system developed to indicate whether a route can accommodate a vehicle of a given weight and size
if known as the _________________________ ____________________________ _____________________ .