(line; curves; route reconnaissance symbols) (3-19)
Refer again to Appendix I. You will recall from the last lesson that this is an enlarged reproduction of the
pocket-sized Engineer Reconnaissance Card, GTA5-25-5. On page A-2 of the Appendix there is an example of a
route reconnaissance overlay. Pages 3, 4, and 5 contain explanations of symbols to be used on overlays for
reportable items. Bridge information, methods for measuring curve, slopes, and stream widths, and other
reconnaissance data, are found elsewhere in the Appendix. Become familiar with the material found in this
Appendix. It will aid you both in preparing and in interpreting route reconnaissance overlays.
(a. sharp curves (curves with radii equal to or less than 30m); b. gradients (slopes) of 7% or greater; c.
reductions in traveled way widths which are below minimum standard for the type of vehicle flow; d.
overhead clearances less than 4.3m) (3-49)
FRAME 3-50.
Perhaps the most frequently used symbol in route reconnaissance is the full NATO bridge symbol. The bridge
symbol consists of the following information:
The bridge symbol has an arrow extending from the circle to the ______________________________________
_______________ of the bridge.