From Page 38
(3) Very good.
Representation refers
reproduction refers to functional fidelity.
Another important input to any system is a safety analysis, which is
concerned with understanding why accidents occur and how they can be
prevented. In Lesson 27 we described an accident as an event or occurrence
which is both undesirable and unexpected; result from faulty equipment or
inadequate performance by the human involved in the system. You may be a
member of a safety team at one time or another. Using a systems approach,
you will be called on to conduct hazard analysis. Do you recall the three
parts of a hazard analysis?
Which of the following best describes this
(1) Analysis, evaluation, redesign. Turn to Page 37.
(2) Analysis, evaluation, recommendation. Turn to Page 58.
From Page 47
(3) Incorrect, the human performance requirements need to be identified
first. Return to Page 47.