From Page 33
(3) That was a tough one, but you're exactly right.
You've selected
measurements based on the 5th percentile woman and the 95th percentile man
as required.
That last question was fairly difficult. But you were prepared for it
when you studied anthropometry in Lesson 6.
This next one is even more
difficult. You've just designed a one-man transportation vehicle (let's not
specify what type). You've included a seat belt. Your supervisor says that
seat belts are okay for civilian safety, but he wants to know why you've
tell your supervisor about the use of seat belts?
(1) According to military standards, seat belts should always be included
(2) Since no mention is made of seat belts in paragraph titled "Hazards and
Safety." their use is up to the designer's discretion. Turn to Page 41.
(3) Only administrative type vehicles are required to have seat belts. Turn
to Page 24.
From Page 62
(2) Personnel selection testing is used to 'select' people, not to test
reliability or effectiveness of a system. Return to Page 62.
From Page 73
(2) A task analysis applied to the kitchen staff may very well show how they
contribute to the congestion, but that isn't the first thing you need.
Essentially, this is a link analysis problem which means you first want to
study traffic flow patterns. What do you need for that?
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