Catastrophic (I)
Loss of ability to accomplish the mission or near mission failure, death or permanent total
disability (accident risk), loss of major property (facility) damage, severe (strategic)
environmental damage, mission-critical security failure, unacceptable collateral damage.
Critical (II)
Significantly (severely) degraded mission capability or unit readiness, permanent partial
disability, temporary total disability exceeding three months time (accident, risk), extensive
(major) damage to equipment or systems, significant damage to property or the environment,
security failure, significant collateral damage.
Marginal (III)
Degraded mission capability or unit readiness, minor damage to equipment or systems,
property, or the environment; lost days due to injury or illness not exceeding three months
(accident risk); minor damage to property or the environment.
Negligible (IV)
Little or no adverse impact on mission capability, first aid or minor medical treatment
(accident risk), slight equipment or system damage but fully functional and serviceable, little
or no property or environmental damage.
Figure 4-3. Hazard Severity
Extremely high (E). Mission failure if hazardous incidents occur during
mission. There is a frequent or likely probability of catastrophic loss (IA or IB)
High (H). Significantly degraded mission capabilities in terms of required
mission standards. Degradation of a mission includes not accomplishing all parts
of the mission; not completing the mission to standard (if hazards occur during
the mission); occasional to seldom probability of catastrophic loss (IC or ID); a
likely to occasional probability of a critical loss (IIB or IIC) occurring with
material and soldier system; or frequent probability of marginal (IIIA) losses.
Moderate (M). Expected degraded mission capabilities in terms of required
mission standard. Degradation may include reduced mission capability (if
hazards occur during mission) or unlikely probability of catastrophic loss (IE).
The probability of a critical loss occurring is seldom (IID). Marginal losses
occur with a probability of no more often than likely (IIIB or IIIC). Negligible
losses are a frequent probability.
Low (L). Expected losses have little or no impact on accomplishing the mission.
The probability of critical loss is unlikely (IIE), while that of marginal loss is
seldom (IIIB through IIIE).
A leader determines the risk level of each hazard. Then using the defined degrees of
probability and severity an individual can determine the overall environmental-related
risk level from the intersection of the two in the risk assessment matrix shown in Figure