b. Prevention. Protect the environment by using the following guidelines:
(1) Reduce solid waste and HW by preparing the work site with absorbents, drip pans, and
rags to catch small leaks and drips. This will minimize the impact of leaks and spills. Clean up spills
immediately, using just enough materials to get the job done.
(2) Reuse rags and floor sweep. Place rags in a dirty rags container, and have them
laundered. Collect used dry sweep and reuse it several times. Take leftover items, such as paint or
excess parts, to the installation reissue center so that other units can use them.
(3) Recycle HM, such as solvents and coolants, and return damaged parts and assemblies to
the supply facility for rebuilding or recycling.
2-4. Weapons Maintenance. Solvents,
cleaners, and lubricants used to
clean weapons can be
hazardous to the environment because they evaporate and contaminate the air. Keep solvent vat lids
closed to minimize air pollution. Use absorbent floor sweep under solvent vats to catch leaks and
spills. Used floor sweep, patches, and brushes are contaminated with harmful solvents and metal
particles, so dispose of them properly to prevent them from spreading contamination to landfills.
Keep a copy of the applicable MSDS for each HM on hand in a binder in the arms room
a. Compliance. Follow installation guidelines for disposing of HW (solvents) and solid waste
(damaged parts) whether in the field or in a garrison environment. Collect these waste products close
to the places where they are created, and dispose of them often. Also, follow the cleaning guidelines
in the applicable TM.
b. Prevention. Avoid harming the environment during weapons maintenance by using the
following guidelines:
(1) Reduce the use of hazardous cleaning solvents and solutions by substituting less
hazardous solvents and solutions when permitted. Use just enough solvent or lubricant to maintain the
weapon to TM specifications.
(2) Reuse cleaning equipment and lubricant containers when possible. Purchase lubricants in
bulk, and refill smaller containers.
(3) Recycle cleaning solvents as part of the installation solvent reclamation program.
2-5. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Equipment Maintenance. NBC training presents
situations that require sound environmental decisions. The used filters and cleaning materials may
carefully. Ensure that containers have appropriate drip pans or other forms of secondary containment
under them. Keep a copy of the applicable MSDS for each HM on hand in a binder in the NBC room.
During field training, collect used chemical detection equipment and dispose of it according to
installation regulations.
a. Compliance. Many pieces of NBC equipment can be damaged during maintenance by not
following the procedures in the applicable TM. This adds to disposal problems. Collect HM, such as
used filters, decontamination materials, and cleaning solutions, at the point of generation and dispose
of them properly. Be very careful with detection equipment because it may contain small amounts of