2-8. Ford Reconnaissance Report Form (DA Form 1251). When more detailed information
is required concerning a specific ford, a DA Form 1251 (Figures 2-10 and 2-11, pages 2-20
and 2-21) is used. Information is recorded on the ford reconnaissance report as follows:
Items 1 through 10. This information is self-explanatory. Enter all data that
establishes positive identification of the ford (route, map sheet, grid reference, ford
serial number, geographic location, and name of stream or crossing).
Item 11. Record the width and depth of the crossing and the stream velocity at the
present water level and at low, mean, and high levels. Also, give the date, the
season, or the month(s) for each of these measurements. This information is
normally determined from local records or by estimation of low- and high-water
marks on the banks.
Items 12 through 17. Record the composition of the stream bottom, the
composition and percent of slope of both approaches, the pavement type (if any) of
approaches and the ford, the usable width of approaches and the ford, and any
hazards (such as flash floods or quicksand) that would affect the trafficability of
the ford.
Item 18. Enter any other pertinent data not recorded elsewhere on the report. This
should include a description of approach roads, guide markers, depth gages,
availability of and distances to bypasses and alternate crossings, and any other
information that may assist in classifying the ford.
Items 19 and 20. Draw sketches of the ford showing both a profile and a site plan.
The profile sketch indicates the water level and the elevation of the stream bottom
and approaches. The site plan gives the alignment of the ford and its approaches
with appropriate dimensions (Figure 2-11). Show terrain and other site features in
the immediate area of both banks. Include a north arrow and the direction of
stream flow.
Item 21. Include any pertinent information not previously mentioned. Photograph
the ford when it is reconnoitered, if possible. The photograph should show the
banks, the approaches, and the stream in one view, and should be taken while a
military vehicle is crossing (to give an indication of the water depth and the
location of the ford).
EN 5622