Lesson 2/Learning Event 2
Rank-order numbers have been assigned to the maintenance factors
opposite each indicator. These assist the manager in identifying trends and
determining the basic cause(s). When the answer to a particular indicator
is "No," the numbers, beginning with "1", show the maintenance factor which
is the most probable cause for the failure.
The checklist may be used by anyone concerned with maintenance operations.
Daily checks are routinely performed by first-line supervisors during day-
to-day maintenance operations, and by others as required.
The manager
should informally perform the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and seasonal
checks in the area of responsibility and encourage others to do the same.
The manager's overall program of checks should ensure that all aspects of
the operation for which the manager is responsible are periodically covered.
In preparation, before making indicator checks, the manager should determine
the objective for the check.
This will normally be to determine the
adequacy of some specific aspect of maintenance operations.
The manager
then selects the indicators that will best provide the desired information.
After the checks are made, the results are analyzed. Since the checks are
only a sample, the manager must use care in drawing conclusions, either good
or bad, from the results. The results are best used to spot general trends
for further evaluation or action. For example, a relatively large number of
"1" and "2" rank-order numbers under a particular maintenance factor should
prompt the manager to take a closer look in this general area.
When the underlying cause has been determined to the manager's satisfaction,
required corrective action is formulated.
As needed, the unit chain of
command assists in its implementation.
Care must be taken so that the
corrective action treats the cause and not the symptom. Correction of only
the specific individual faults uncovered by the check is of limited value.
After corrective action has been implemented, follow-up checks are essential
to verify that the desired results have been achieved.