Identification symbols, such as station or traverse numbers, may also be painted on. For a neater job,
stencils are sometimes used.
c. Flagging. Colored-cloth bunting or plastic tape is often used to make stakes conspicuous so
that they will be easier to see. Flagging may also be used for identification purposes. For example,
traverse stakes may be marked with one color, grade stakes with another. Red, yellow, orange, and
white are the most popular flagging colors.
d. Note-Keeping Materials. Field notes are usually kept in a bound, standard field notebook.
Sometimes loose-leaf notebooks are used but are not general recommended because of the chance of
losing some pages. In the field notebook, the left-hand side of the page is used for recording
measurement data and the right-hand side of the page is used hr remark, sketches, and other
supplementary information.
e. Personal Protective and Safety Equipment. In addition to the necessary field supplies and
equipment, a field surveying party must carry all the necessary items of personal protective equipment
such as containers for drinking water, first-aid kits, gloves, and wet-weather gear, as needed, since they
usually work a considerable distance away from the main operational base. For example, if you happen
to be taping through a marsh filled with icy water, you would not have a chance to return to the base to
get your rubber boots.
In construction areas where the assigned personnel are required to wear hard hats, often, you are also
required to wear a hard hat. Be prepared for any situation. Study the situation in advance, considering
both the physical and environmental conditions.