8-36. If fender piles should break. serious damage can
See that all equipment is inspected by some qualified
be done to the structure by the impact of vessels;
person and is found in safe operating condition before it is
therefore, all fender piles should be replaced at regular
Don't permit workmen to ride loads, hooks, hammers,
8-37. The anticipated normal life of fender piles will
material hoists, buckets, or any type of moving
vary in different localities, depending upon the type of
pile, water and soil conditions and other factors.
Don't allow loads, booms, or buckets to be swung
Anticipated normal life can be established with
over the heads of workmen.
reasonable accuracy after a few years or by observing
Require all workmen to wear life vests when they are
other similar structures in the vicinity. After the
working over water, unless proper scaffolds, platforms
anticipated normal life has been established, every
with guardrails, or safety belts and life lines arc provided.
replacement pile should be numbered and a historical
Insist that workmen wear protective clothing, goggles,
record kept on it to make sure that it is replaced before the
or other safety equipment required by the type of work
end of its anticipated life.
being done.
8-38. Safety Measures. When any type of work is
Make sure that all provisions covering storage of
performed on a wharf or pier structure, the following
materials and disposal of waste are adequately followed.
safety precautions should be observed:
Make sure all safety provisions arc applied when
ladders, runways, platforms, scaffolds, and guardrails are