TEXT ASSIGNMENT ....................................................................... Attached Memorandum.
Upon completion of this lesson on Bills of Materials, you should be able to accomplish the following in the
indicated topic areas:
Terminology. Define the term "bill of materials."
Organization of Bills of Materials. Describe the organization of a bill of materials.
Reading Bills of Materials. Read a bill of materials for a construction project to determine quantities needed
for each type of material.
obtained by having separate bills of materials
prepared by at least two estimators. They can then be
compared and one copy corrected or both
based on takeoffs and estimates of all materials
consolidated into a final bill of materials.
needed to complete a structure. The bill of materials
for a given project is organized into a tabulated
a. Takeoff and Estimate. The takeoff usually
statement to include item number (parts and
is an actual tally and checkoff of the items shown,
materials), name, description, unit of measure,
noted, or specified on the construction drawings and
quantity and, where called for, the stock size and
specifications. The estimated quantities are those
number, and sometimes the weight. You may be
known to be necessary but which may not have been
familiar with bills of materials by some other
placed on the drawings, such as nails, cement,
designation such as "materials takeoff sheets" or
concrete-form lumber and tie wire, temporary bracing
"materials estimate sheets."
or scaffold lumber, etc. These are calculated from a
knowledge of construction methods that will be used
for field erection. You can use the information given
in appendix B to help in making up an estimate.
Bills of materials are usually made up by the
draftsman at the time of preparation of the original
b. Plans. Both architectural and engineering
drawings; you simply utilize them when ordering
plans provide the means by which names of the
materials. However, where no bills of materials
various items can be listed in order to make up the
accompany field prints they must be compiled by the
bills of materials. Indicated or scaled dimensions of
constructing or erecting forces; thus, you should
buildings or utilities layouts are used to determine
understand and be able to work with or develop bills
material unit dimensions.
of materials. Reasonable accuracy can best be