Upon completion of the text assignment, solve the following self test exercises based on lesson objectives.
The following exercises are study aids. References to related information in the reading material are
shown in parentheses after each question. Write your answer in the space provided below each question.
When you have finished answering all the questions for this lesson, compare your answers with those
given for this lesson in the back of the booklet. Review the lesson as necessary.
Objective 1. WORKING DRAWINGS. List the components of a set of construction working drawings.
(Answer questions 1 and 2.)
What are the components of a set of construction working drawings? (para 2-1, a)
A set of working drawings includes both general and detail drawings. What is a detail drawing? (para 2-1, a)
Objective 2. SYMBOLS AND CONVENTIONS. Identify common architectural symbols and conventions
used on construction prints. (Answer questions 3 through 5.)
Architectural symbols are used on construction plans to show the type and location of such features as doors
and windows. The symbols have the general shape of the feature being represented and show any motion
occurring in the plan view. Which of the four symbols shown below represents a double window opening out?
(para 2-2, a) (fig A-1, app A)
Similar to architectural symbols, material conventions are used to indicate the type of material used in the
structure. Where possible, the symbol represents a common characteristic of the material. Which of the
conventions shown below represents cut stone? (para 2-2, b) (fig 2-2).