12. Wall sections run vertically from foundation to roof. (para 2-11,b)
13. Details are noted on a drawing by code. (para 2-12,a)
14. On section views, reinforcing bars perpendicular to the view are shown by round or square dots in accordance
with the bar shape. Bars parallel to the section view are indicated by heavy dashed lines. (para 2-14,b(2))
15. Bars referenced by a band mark will be described in the slab schedule as in figure 2-20. (para 2-14,c) (fig 2-
16. Construction joints are indicated by a heavy unbroken line labeled "construction joint." (para 2-15,b)
17. The minimum thickness of a brick bearing wall for a large structure is 12 inches; whereas minimum thickness
for smaller buildings is 8 inches. (para 2-17,a(1))
18. The symbol is that for a channel shape. (a) is an angle, (b) is a channel, (c) is an I-beam, and (d) is a wide-
flange shape. (para 2-18,a(5)) (fig 2-9)
19. A thread specification of 1/2-13NC-2 would mean the thread has a major diameter of 1/2 inch, 13 threads per
inch, National Coarse series, and a class fit of 2. If the thread were left-hand, the symbol LH would follow the
class fit; however, the absence of any symbol indicates that the bolt has a right-hand thread. (para 2-19,a)
20. The points where working lines intersect are referred to as working points. (para 2-20,a(1))